Friday, October 17, 2008

Your homework over the weekend (Oct 17-19.)

This is your homework over the weekend.
Please hand your complete work to your TA on Monday.


Anonymous said...

Mrs.Cheng I hope you don't mind but I made a slideshow for the zoo project we had to do. I f there is a problem and you need ,me to put it on paper I will do so please just try to answer me as soon as possible.
Thank you ,
Victoria from Mininsink

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Cheng I hope you dont mind but for my zoo project i made a slide show and was hoping i could e mail it to you
victoria from minisink

HM Cheng said...

Hi Victoria,

It is OK if you like to do it in slideshow. However, you must include the sentences, and signs in your slide show.

Do you know how to type Chinese from your computer?

Let me know!
Cheng Laoshi

Anonymous said...

Thank you for letting me do the slide show, however I need to know if you want to email it to you or to burn it on a cd and bring it to school. Also I do know how to write charecyters on the computer but I was going to the write the sentences on regular parper anyways.

HM Cheng said...

Hi Victoria,

You can print the slide show out, or burn it into a CD.

Do you know how to type Chinese in computer? You can type Chinese on your slides. Do you have Apple computer?(Mac computer?)

Anonymous said...

Mrs Cheng I wanted to know how big our zoo has to be.Could I put it on poster board?Please answer soon

HM Cheng said...

Use regular note book paper size, or if you want to be more creative, you can use bigger size paper. The only one thing is the ten sentences you make must be there as well as the Chinese signs.
Cheng Laoshi

Anonymous said...

this coooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hi hi

Anonymous said...

this is coolio

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

um Mrs. Cheng...I think that you should teatch us more slower. Becasue i think its really hard When you work Fast!
Emily ( in Chester)

HM Cheng said...

Hi Emily from Chester,

I will discuss with your class about this issue today (Oct. 28).

Thanks for bringing it up!

Cheng Laoshi

Anonymous said...


( emily from Chester)

Anonymous said...

Yeah um Hi this is Ashley from greenwoodlake and um i think ur teaching a little to fast for us. if its possible can you please go a little slower!? thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi, Mrs. cheng! this is Kyle from Greenwood Lake and i was wondering if you were going to be our teacher next year and if we could make chinese a little funner! that would be the BEST!

thanks, Kyle